I've been meaning to write my weekly update since yesterday but the last couple of days were spent in a frenzy of activity and I am just now finding the time to sit down at the computer for a few minutes.
This last week was interesting. I completed all my workouts and logged my food intake 90% of the time. As far as my actions went, I did pretty well. My stress level though was pretty high this week. I found myself worrying about little things as well as big things. I even got a massage which was great but it didn't take me long to tense up again. My weight loss this week, I think was hindered more by my mental attitude than what I was doing physically. I still lost weight but not as much as I was hoping.
Here are my weekly stats:
3 mile run: 24:39
Weight: 168.4
Total weight loss: 0.4 lbs
This Weeks Goals (my final week of the month!):
Monday: Upper Body and Ab workout
Tuesday: 4 mile tempo run
Wednesday: Lower Body and Core Strength
Thursday: 5 mile run
Friday:6 mile run
Saturday: Stretch
Sunday: 9 miles @ race pace
Monday: I'll be in KC--might do my long run today instead of Sunday since we'll be traveling. So I'm leaving this day open.
Tuesday (Day 30): 3 mile speed
Weight Loss Goal: 1.6
I'm excited that this is my last week of my March resolution. It's been a great month so far and one that has kept me motivated. I will post my 30 day results on the last day of the month and will also announce my April resolution.
April Resolution: Make Mikey a sweet treat every day:) You're doing great babe!